
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Feminism ,some random after thoughts

So what happens when life completes a circle,does it take another orbit or does it continue on the same one?It is so difficult to chose and answer,for only having lived one can one say how it happened.

Feminism refers to political, cultural, and economic movements aimed at establishing greater, equal, or, among a minority, superior rights and participation in society for women and girls. These rights and means of participation include legal protection and inclusion in politics, business, and scholarship, and recognition and building of women's cultures and power. Its concepts overlap with those of women's rights. Feminism is widely controversial, for challenging traditions in many fields and especially for supporting shifting the political balance toward women. Feminists are persons of either sex, or females only (in which case males may be profeminists), who believe in feminism.

Question-So what happened to all your feminist reading?

Answer-With the passage of time it all withered away from the memory membraneI got caught up in life,i think.The notes are tucked in some cupboard and the covers have faded away with dust sitting quietly and meditatively.

Question-What or who is a feminist?

Answer-A feminist is by thought,a male or a female.But i have a confusion here.Is one a feminist when reading a paper in a seminar about female rights,gender discrimination or any other 'intellectual' stuff or writing a thesis but failing to respect another woman who has borne a child or made her own choice of marrying.Does it become relevant here that how a female protagonist in life treats her maid or mistreats her.Should she be forgiven for being such a strong personality that such a person as an everyday maid becomes a mundane thing for her.
So how do i recognise or respect a feminist who is judgemental about the other woman,when the other woman is trying to struggle in everyday life,trying to manage a job, a child and emotinal turmoil all at the same time?Do I cease to be an intellectual when I am just trying to figure out life?Is life easier when one does not have a family to care for but just oneself.
(As i write the confusions are escalating)

Question-When or where does feminism exist?

Answer-What should be the answer to such a question?Don't i have to be a feminist to answer this?Don't i have to be a well read person to answer that?Only when i have comprehened the true meaning of this word will i be able to answer it.So i just will pass this one.I just haven't seen it existing around me,for i don't know the precise definition.Or it could be existing but i fail to see it.
Could it exist in my workplace where the staff is 90% female but there is total lack of respect and trust for one another.Where the working conditions are such that there is a catfight going on most of the times.
Could it be existing in the office of the Nation Commission For Women,which fights for female rights?One will have to visit and see.
Could it be existing in the DTC bus or Blueline bus where seats reserved for ladies are occupied by men.And those reserved for the handicapped are occupied by the physically abled.
Could it exist in the printing house of the publishers who publish such books?
No,i don't think i can answer this,i have to truely understand the definition first.

Question-How do you think one becomes a feminist?

Answer-I have no clue.Does one become by reading books?or does life teach its own lessons to mould you into one.Do i applaud my maid who wishs her husband leaves her,as she is the only earning member and her husband is in depression without a job.For he locks her out with the kids in the heat of May as she was cooking food inside the one room they have and beats her often;and her own mother tells her to go back to him.Could she be a feminist,without education.

leaving unquestioned till another flow of thoughts

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Blogger K said...

True...most of what you have written is true...Feminism also mean bringing up your daughter in India to stand up for justice but when she does it, abandon her or try to curb her efforts down. Feminism also means silently admitting that I am a hypocrite because I want to overrule you, yet I will ask you not to give in to anyone. The maid might not be able to walk out of her marriage because she might think she is uneducated, does she know how mistaken she is in it? Education has little to do in this when it comes to societal pressure esp if u come from an Indian family....

August 17, 2010  

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